Employment Services » Workshops



Circle-shaped photo of iPad screen showing infographic of the components of a workshop

We offer the following 1:1 workshops both in person and remotely. Contact your local CEL to schedule your workshop on a date/time that works for you. 

This workshop provides an overview of the FREE programs and services available at The Centre for Employment & Learning. During this workshop, we will discuss how our programs and services can assist you in achieving your unique employment and training goals.
Your resume is your ticket to your next job! Our staff will work with you to teach you how to create a resume that highlights your skills and qualifications. You will receive a completed resume at the end of this workshop. 

Have an interview coming up and want to prepare? This workshop that prepares individuals to conduct a “winning” interview. This workshop covers interview process and questions, and provides an opportunity to practice and evaluate your presentation through a mock interview with an Employment Counsellor.

Find out if you qualify for up to $28,000 in funding with Better Jobs Ontario Funding. Learn how to prepare for training and how to start your research.
Experts say only 25% of jobs are ever advertised. This workshop teaches you how to find those hidden jobs.
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